Celebrating the 2022 Lawson Impact Award winners
The Lawson Impact Awards are a pinnacle of celebration in the Lawson Health Research Institute community, celebrating innovation across London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) and St. Joseph’s Health Care London. The Impact Awards recognize hospital-based research that makes a difference by advancing scientific knowledge and applying it directly to patient care.
With awards in eight categories, the annual awards honour Lawson scientists, staff, trainees and partners who demonstrate excellence.
“The Lawson Impact Awards are a celebration of the research mission of LHSC and St. Joseph’s,” says Dr. David Hill, Scientific Director at Lawson. “There is innovation happening every day here in London, Ontario. The environment and close proximity to patient care allow us to hire great scientists that flourish in our research space.”
Recognized for his high-impact work over the past several years, Dr. Douglas Fraser was named as Lawson’s Scientist of the Year – the Lawson Impact Awards’ highest honour. Dr. Fraser, who is a Scientist at Lawson and Critical Care Physician at Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), has led the way in a number of areas of research. Over the past few years, he has published numerous studies and signed multiple licensing agreements that show promise for improving the diagnosis and treatment of concussion, COVID-19 and long COVID.
“Research is exciting to me and I love showing up to work. We have great colleagues, wonderful resources which allows us to ask good questions and it is a pleasure coming to work each day,” says Dr. Fraser, who is also a Professor at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. “It I always an honor to be recognized and humbling as well, because most of the work we have done has always been a group effort.”
Dr. Fraser is one of eight 2022 Lawson Impact Award recipients.
A big congratulations to all of this year’s winners, as well as our 2022 Lawson Strategic Research Fund recipients:
Scientist of The Year Award: Dr. Douglas Fraser
Dr. Joseph Gilbert Research Contribution of The Year Award: Dr. Daniel Hardy
Innovation Award: Dr. Dalton Wolfe
London Health Sciences Foundation Community Partner Of The Year Award: Archie Verspeeten
St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation Community Partner Of The Year Award: Dr. Joseph Rea
Children's Health Foundation Community Partner Of The Year Award: Dr. Paul and Mrs. Mary Harding
Leadership Award for Fellows & Students: Karnig Kazazian
Staff Award Of Excellence: Dr. Jeff Weiler
Strategic Research Fund Recipients: Dr. Matthew Teeter & Dr. Jonathan Thiessen and Dr. Luciano Sposato & Dr. Frank Prato
You can visit the full Impact Awards site by clicking here
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