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  1. Check our new publication: Fracture profiles of a 4-year cohort of 266,324 first incident upper extremity fractures from population health data in Ontario. Full article:

  2. Check our new publication: A systematic review and meta-analysis of Patient-Rated Wrist (and Hand) Evaluation (PRWE/PRWHE) measurement properties, translation, and/ or cross-cultural adaptation Full article: A systematic review and meta-analysis of Patient-Rated Wrist (and Hand) Evaluation (PRWE/PRWHE) measurement properties, translation, and/ or cross-cultural adaptation (

  3. Check out new publication: Accuracy of diagnostic clinical tests and questionnaires in screening for carpal tunnel syndrome among workers- A systematic review

  4. Check our new publication: Effectiveness of Radiographs and Computed Tomography in Evaluating Primary Elbow Osteoarthritis in Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

  5. Congratulations to Dr. Joy MacDermid for being awarded the Centenary Medals of Distinction from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

  6. Congratulations to Rochelle Furtado and Stephanie Reischl for their CIHR doctoral awards. 

  7. The research highlighted in Clinical Neurophysiology by Dr. Philemon Tsang.  

  8. Congratulations to Steve Lu for his CIHR doctoral award.

  9. Congratulations to Dr. Joy MacDermid named Distinguished University Professors at Western University. 

  10. Congratulations to Goris Nazari (Western Ph.D. candidate) and Dr. Joy MacDermid for their successful CRE-MSD seed grant.